Our playgroup is a place of welcome, safety, happy companionship, support and learning for both children and adults.

On joining Lathlain Playgroup our members commit to:
Following the guidelines of the Playgroup so that all members can enjoy a great playgroup experience (full guidelines are provided below).
Participating in at least one busy bee throughout the year to clean the toys and venue.
Contributing to leaving the Playgroup in a clean and tidy manner for all to enjoy.
Welcoming families for a 2 week trial and any new members into the group.
Day Leaders commit to:
Attending meetings or ensuring someone from their group attends
Ensuring that at least 2 members from each group attends each busy bee (3 per year).
Coordinating opening and closing, ensuring key card is kept safe and room alarmed at the end of each session.
Chasing up members who have not paid their Membership Fees by the end of February.
Giving interested families a tour of the facility and answering questions about the group.
Overseeing the tasks that need to be done each week re cleaning and maintaining the facility and advising new group members of these tasks.
Letting the President know if there are any ongoing issues in the group.
Presenting suggestions from the group to the committee about how to improve the Playgroup experience for all (ie. new toys, maintenance, exciting ideas).